Tips for Moving With Pets

Tips for Moving With Pets

When moving, most people can experience some form of stress. Now, imagine just how anxious it can make your pet. They can easily become anxious when something new is brought into their environment. But when moving, they have to adjust to not only losing somewhere they felt comfortable, but readjusting to a whole new space as well. While there is no easy solution for this, there are some tips that can help make the process a little easier.

Put Together an Overnight Kit

Depending on what kind of pet you’re getting ready to help move, it’s always a good idea to be prepared. This can also help your own stress levels with having things easily accessible for them while you try to unpack. Good things to put inside the kit are dog/cat food, kitty litter, grooming tools, treats, toys and even their bed if they have one. Having things that are familiar to them can help keep them comfortable.

Keep Your Pets Away from the Commotion

While leaving them with friends, family or with a kennel service is typically recommended, sometimes that just doesn’t work out. The most important thing to do is keep them away from all the action. The best thing you can do is try and keep them in the quietest area possible. Whether that is in a room of the house that has already been packed and emptied, or letting them rest in a kennel in either the garage or outside. Always make sure to check on them regularly, keeping temperature in mind, and also walk them as you normally would. With a little food and water, they should feel relaxed in the midst of all the action.

Contact Your Vet

If you’re leaving the area, make sure to inform your vet so they can give you your pets records and any prescription medications they made need regularly. They may even be able to give you something to help calm your pet if they have high levels of anxiety dealing with change. This tip is sometimes the last things on peoples minds during a move. But it can help you avoid the trouble later by taking care of it before you move.

Transport your Pet in Your Own Vehicle

When you travel to your new home, take your pet in a vehicle that they have rode in before. Whether you let them free roam like normal or if you prefer to keep them in a travel carrier. Most travel carriers can be secured with a seatbelt, and sometimes pets can be calmed more by placing a towel or blanket over their carrier.

Wait to Let Your Pet Out Until You’ve Arrived

Once you have arrived at your new home, it is important not to open the kennel or let them out of the car without a leash. While they may have known their old neighborhood well, they can easily become lost in the new one. It’s recommended to give them a few days in the new home before allowing them outside. With cats, most people keep them indoors for their own safety. So if you have an outdoor cat that you would like to make an indoor cat, take this time of adjustment and use it to your advantage.

Update Their Info

Going with the tip above, once you’ve moved and you’re settled, update your pets information. Whether it’s through the microchip or just simply on the tags on their collar. So if they become lost in their new neighborhood, you have better chances of finding them.

Keep Your Pets Secluded

Once you’ve arrived at your new home, try to set up as much as you can before you introduce the pet to their new home. Even if it’s just one room, such as the living room or bedroom. You can keep them in whichever room is ready while you work at setting up the others. This can help them slowly adjust to their new environment. It also helps to give them things that are familiar to them, such as a toy or a blanket. And always make sure to give them lots of attention!

Moving With Other Critters

Cats and dogs aren’t the only pets who could have anxiety with moving. Animals such as birds and fish are among them. Birds are very jittery creatures and even the most trusted have been known to fly the coop. So on moving day, always have them inside a cage. And just like with the other furry friends, placing a blanket or towel over it may help keep them calm. Fish however, can be some of the hardest pets to move. Fish have been known to respond strongly to stressful situations and some of those situations can even lead to death if you’re not careful. While it’s okay to travel short distances with the fish in a bag of their own tank water, long distances can be lethal. If you’re traveling a long way, it may be best to give them a new home with family or friends and buy new fish when you reach your destination.
These are just a few of the things that you can do for whichever pet you may have with you on moving day. When all is said and done, make sure that you not only help destress your pet, but look after yourself as well. Let us know some of your techniques for moving with pets in the comments below.

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