Tips for Last Minute Christmas Shopping!

Tips for Last Minute Christmas Shopping!

It’s crunch time. Work is piling up. The house is dirty. You need to go to the grocery. AHHHHH!!!! The Holidays. Here are just a few simple tips to make those last minute Christmas shopping pick-ups simple.
Make a list:
Prepare a list of the people that you need to still shop for. If no ideas spring to mind, their favorite store – gift cards, gas cards, spa items, gas cards, restaurant gift cards are always a great gift.
Prepare your trip:
Write down on a piece of paper all the stores you need to visit and what you need to get. Make it simple!
Go alone:
Shop alone! Leave the husband, wife and or kids at home. This is not a social event. You are on a mission!
Time of day:
Avoid shopping during high traffic hours (nights, weekends) Go in the morning or early afternoon!
Online shopping:
If you have enough time ,this is a great option to avoid all the stores in general and shop in the peace of your own home.
Don’t lose sight of the reason for the season with all the hustle and bustle of Christmas shopping. Most importantly enjoy time with family and friends during this great Holiday season.
Thanks for reading. Love, Wendy the Realtor

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