A Detailed Guide to Disinfecting Your Kids Toys At Home

A Detailed Guide to Disinfecting Your Kids Toys At Home

For kids, the mouth is useful for activities beyond talking and eating. As always, babies will put things in their mouths. It is just their way of communicating an interest in the world around them. So, if your house is a mess of toys, then you have just treated your child to a private buffet. What is the right way to disinfect your kids’ toys?

Every time you introduce and reintroduce your child to a toy, you bet that it will go straight to their mouth. Besides, chewing helps relieve their sore gums when teething. Above everything, you need to ensure that your child’s mouth is healthy. Here is a complete guide to disinfection your kid’s toys.

How Do I Disinfect My Child’s Toys?

Different toys demand different disinfecting methods. Below are recommendations on how you can disinfect different toys to protect your child from germs and bacteria.

How to Clean Bath Toys?

Bath toys are usually tricky to disinfect because they come with a small hole at the bottom that can be hard to reach. First, start by ensuring you squeeze every ounce of water in the toys before soaking it into a water and vinegar solution. After ten minutes, take the toy out of the solution and rinse in plain water, then let it dry completely before handing it back to the child.

How to Clean Plastic Toys?

Since some plastic toys are susceptible to melting or deformity, it is best if you can read through the instructions to find the best way to clean it. You can use a piece of cloth or an old toothbrush to ensure you get over hidden areas. After soaking in warm water or when the toy is straight from the dishwasher, rinse and let it dry.

How to Clean Plush Toys?

Kids love their plush toys, and if you take your eye away from them for one minute, the chances are that you will find the bathing their teddies. However, your child’s bear needs to get the occasional soak and scrub from mummy. The best method for washing a plush toy depends on how old it is. Because older stuffed animals tend to be quite delicate to wash. For teddies and bunnies, an overnight stay in a washing machine will do. Alternatively, you can choose to go the handwashing way, which is usually better since you have more control.

How to Clean Electronic Toys?

The problem with electronic toys and water is that they do not mix at all. As such, approach electronic toys with extra caution, especially the more expensive ones like electronic ride on vehicles. To know more about this cool toy, check out this list by fit2bmom.

Always remember to handle them with gentle care because electronic toys can breakdown without proper care. If the toy is not badly stained, you can always clean it with baby wipes.

How to Clean Toys That Cannot Be Washed?

For toys that cannot be cleaned, lightly wash in mild soap. Afterward, let the toy dry out under the sun. If you have a low-heat dryer in the house, take it over the toy a couple of times after hand washing. Whichever way you decide to go with, the heat should be sufficient in killing the germs and bacteria.

What Disinfectant is Safe for Babies?

The secret to doing away with germs on your kids’ toys is giving them a good wash. Here is every nitty-gritty detail of how you should disinfect your kids’ toys.

Use Baby Wipes

Every home with a kid has at least a packet of multi-purpose wipes somewhere in the cupboard. To remove the soil and give their toys a brilliant sheen look, give then a quick wipe down with baby wipes. Most wipes are hypoallergenic and safe for use on things that will end up in your child’s mouth. While your kid’s toys are better with a thorough sanitizing, a quick clean with a baby wipe will also do the trick.

Disinfecting Your Kids’ Toys in the Dishwasher

As long as they are not electronic, you can throw the toys into the dishwashing machine. When it comes to disinfecting your kids’ toys, fill the dishwasher to the brim with all of them. Let the dishwasher run overnight so the toys can drip dry. When you check in the morning, you will have a lot of clean toys, safe for your child to play with and stuff in their mouth. Remember to have every small toy in a container to prevent them from ending up all over the place.

Boil to Disinfect the Toys

Some toys are better off being boiled. When it comes to boiling toys, you need about three minutes to do a thorough and proper sanitization. Some hard plastic playthings, silicone toys, pacifiers, and bottles can be boiled. However, check the instructions on each toy to see whether boiling is an option first.

Warm, Soapy Water

First, dip a piece of cloth into the warm soapy water. Next, wipe the toys to remove the soil, dirt, and even grim from your kid’s toys. Remember to make an extra pass on the stick and hidden spots on the toys. Pass over the bottom and remember to keep the liquid away from the electrical components inside. Then finally, rinse the cloth in clean water and make a final pass over the toy.

What is the Best Homemade Disinfectant?

Place a half cup of white vinegar on a bucket and mix with a gallon of warm water. Next, soak the toys for about ten minutes before rubbing them with a sponge. To clean the insides, soak they toy and allow the solution to get sucked up into it before giving it a shake and squeeze out the water. That is it; you do not need a specialized cleaning agent.

How Often Should You Clean Your Kid’s Toys?

In conclusion, to prevent the risk of illness to your child, you should clean toys not only when they are soiled but also disinfect against germs and bacteria. Stuffed animals and toys should be cleaned every one or two weeks if your child suffers from any allergic reactions. All in all, there is no need for disinfecting your kids’ toys if there is no reason to do so. Although, a monthly wash will help keep germs and bacteria at bay.

Editor’s note: Before using any product, read the product label and make sure you are using the product per its guidelines and directions. You do not want to mix and match cleaning solutions. If you have questions about the product use in your home, please consult your doctor.

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