11 Tips for Moving with Kids

11 Tips for Moving with Kids

I think we can all agree that moving is stressful and exhausting! If you have a home that you are selling you have to get it ready to sell, clean, pack, (and keep it clean for showings), go through the closing process while also trying to find your next home and go through that entire buying process. Add some kids into the mix and you may think you’ll be in tears by the end of it all! But we are here to help! We’ve compiled a list of ideas and tips for moving with kids, to hopefully make your move a little easier on you and your children! 

Prepare Your Kids for What is About to Happen

Younger children may not understand exactly what moving means, so it is always good to explain to them what is about to happen. For older children in school and especially if they will have to go to a new school, you need to explain to them why this move is best for your family and get them ready for it.

Involve Your Kids With the Move

Let your kids know how much you need their help, and reward them for it. Have them help pack up their rooms as much as they can. Try rewarding your children with selecting paint colors for their new room or even new furniture or décor to get them excited for their new room!

Get Rid of Old Toys/junk While They Are Sleeping or Not Home

Moving with kids gets a whole lot harder when they catch you getting rid of their beloved toys.  Packing up old toys for donation or to sell when they are sleeping or not home is a great way to avoid them having a fit over losing that one toy that they love so much they haven’t played with in a year! You also don’t want your kids think that they lose their toys with the move.

Use Color-coded Duct Tape or Different Colored Markers

Using colors to designate each room or each person’s boxes is a great way to keep things organized. It also can be fun for the kids if you let them pick out which room gets which color and helps them know where to put things as well!

Get Your Kids Excited About the Move and Stay Positive

Tell your kids all of the benefits of their new home! Talk about all the new things you will be able to do, like a bigger yard for that trampoline they’ve been begging you for but didn’t have enough room for at the old house. As much as you can, try not to let your kids see you stressed about the move. Keep reminding them and yourself how great it is going to be and that it will be so worth it in the end!

Give Yourself and Your Family Plenty of Time

Let’s face it; having kids is going to make the packing and moving process twice as long and definitely more difficult. If you give yourself and your family plenty of time to pack and move, it will make the process much easier on everyone. Start packing as much as you can as early as you can!

Leave a Stocked Diaper Bag in Your Car 

If you have little ones that are not yet potty trained – this is a must. You are going to have a million things going on while moving and the last thing you need is your child having an accident in your car because you left the diaper bag at one of the houses. Keep an extra bag in your car with plenty of diapers, pull ups, wipes, snacks, some toys and leave it there, trust me on this one! 

Let Your Family/Friends/Babysitters Help With the Kids

If you have family/friends that normally watch your kids, let them take them! Let those people distract your kids for a few hours while you get some packing/moving done! Don’t be afraid to ask for help!

Take Breaks 

For your sanity it is important to take breaks! Don’t over work yourself; this is not only for you but also for your children. They need you to be happy and if you’re exhausting yourself with trying to get everything done at once, you will be stressed to the max. Take some breaks, relax, and enjoy the little things.

Maintain the Same Routines

Obviously when you move some things are going to be different, but it is important to keep those routines with your kids before, during, and after the move as much as possible. Don’t stop having those Friday family movie nights, and try to keep their bedtime routines the same or any other routines that they are accustomed to.

Have a Goodbye Party at the Old or Housewarming Party at the New House

Invite all of your loved ones over for one last hoorah at the old house to make one last memory for your children at their old house. At the new home, a housewarming party with all of your closest family and friends is an amazing way to show your kids that this is their new home where all of their family and friends will still visit and creates more awesome memories for them to cherish forever. 

Moving can be stressful, exhausting, emotionally and physically demanding, yes. But moving into a new home opens the door for so many new adventures and memories. No matter how hard it may get, always remember that it will all be worth it in the end!

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