You’ve finally decided to take the leap and put your home on the market, and with summer right around the corner and low market inventory, the timing is right. Ideally, you’d like the sale to move quickly. At F.C. Tucker, we want every seller to be successful and maximize their profits. Here are some tips to move your house from listing to closing in record time:
1. Price your home to sell.
Listing your home at a price that will move it quickly requires knowledge and experience best provided by a trusted real estate agent. Listen to your agent’s advice regarding comparable homes in your neighborhood, trends in the real estate market and what your house is truly worth. Your agent is the best resource for assessing the most realistic price range for your home and for helping you get the maximum return on your investment.
2. Lead with your home’s most appealing attributes.
Take a moment to jot down your home’s primary selling points. Perhaps it’s access to great schools, walkability to nearby businesses or great neighbors. Or maybe it’s the home’s affordability, value and convenience to downtown. Your heated three-car garage and workshop may be your home’s best feature, or the newly remodeled kitchen may showcase its true appeal. Your trusted real estate agent can help you determine which attributes will move buyers more quickly to a sale.
3. Make sure your online listing is polished and professional.
Studies prove begin their search online. That’s why engaging your trusted real estate agent to present a polished and professional online listing is so important. Showing your home in the best possible light, with professional-grade photographs that showcase each living space, will ensure your home is marketable to potential buyers.
4. Spruce up your home’s interior and exterior.
Refresh every room by scrubbing it from top to bottom, paying special attention to areas such as ceiling fans and baseboards that may not receive regular cleaning. Repair any damage to your home caused by water leaks or by wood expanding and contracting, since warped walls and hairline cracks above your windows and doors can give a bad impression to a buyer. Don’t forget to fix things like broken doorbells, chipped or peeling paint and dripping faucets. An impeccably kept home will sell much more quickly.
5. Let the buyers see themselves in your home.
Pack up your family photos, knick-knacks and heirlooms. Allowing buyers to see your home as a canvas for their own personal items will move them more quickly toward a sale, because they will feel at home the minute they walk in the door. If you don’t have sufficient space to store your personal items out-of-sight, you can rent a low-cost storage unit.
6. Paint, paint, paint.
Nothing says “welcome” better or more inexpensively than a fresh coat of paint. Whether it’s reviving the interior walls using neutral paint colors, or doing a quick DIY overhaul of your front door, you’ll be pleased with how a little paint goes a long way toward a sale. Remember that neutral colors are not limited to shades of white, but can include browns, greens and bolder accents. Be sure when you’re selecting shades to consider not only what’s trending, but also what is traditional in your neighborhood.
7. Maximize your home’s curb appeal.
Walk out to the street and give your house a quick once-over. Are the house numbers, light fixtures, door knob and mailbox up-to-date, coordinated and in good repair? If not, install new ones. Is your snow shovel still sitting by the front door? Get rid of clutter. Does the siding or trim need to be repaired? Fix any items that are dirty, rotting, rusted or peeling. You’ll be amazed at how attention to the home’s aesthetic will improve its appeal to potential buyers.
8. Add eye-catching details to your landscape.
After you get your garden beds into tip-top shape by pulling weeds, trimming bushes, planting flowers and adding mulch, you can add some fresh details that really welcome buyers to your home. Flank your doorway with fluted urns containing bright annuals such as pansies, begonias or geraniums, or go the easy-care route with ornamental grasses that create drama. You may want to design a more casual look with a tall ceramic pot of ivy and a cozy rattan chair. Don’t forget to pay attention to other details, such as stone borders and edging, and upgrade those if needed to something cleaner and more decorative.
9. Hide your pets.
We all love our pets, but the truth is the presence of a pet during a house showing or open house can imperil your ability to make a quick sale. Explore your options for presenting a pet-free environment when showing your home. That may include boarding your pets or finding a friend or relative who can help out temporarily. And be sure to remove any toys, food dishes, hair, odors, stains, droppings or other signs that a pet lives in your home.
10. Create an inviting, stress-free atmosphere.
Remember that you want potential buyers to envision your home as their own personal space, and that includes creating an inviting, stress-free atmosphere that lets visitors feel at home the minute they walk in the door. Remove all clutter, food and dirty dishes or laundry from view. Make sure the home is warm and cozy by lighting the fireplace or burning a scented candle, and turn on lights in every room. During warmer weather, open windows to allow in fresh air. Small touches matter!
Happy selling!